Over the last two decades as a Christian and a ‘Missionary’, I realise we have had a tendency to narrow down Mission to some very specific categories. Mission in my first decade, as an Evangelical, was thrust to someone who is sent out; probably as a missionary to an “Unreached” destination. But over the last decade as ‘Evangelicals’ we have looked at Mission with a more Wholistic framework. Probably in the present context we seem to be getting over some past histories, from which we evolved, to a much Biblical (mature) perspective. Mission for God is His Kingdom Come. So our study here would be centered around His Kingdom.
‘Kingdom of God’ (and for that matter any New Testament subject) needs to be always understood in the light of the Old Testament. The Kingdom of God is Kingship, His rule, His authority...the Kingdom is not a realm or a people but God’s Reign”[1] The Kingdom Mission (concern) is the reconciliation of mankind back to God and to one another; such that we live a Kingdom community as envisioned by God in Creation under His reign. In the creation story, Man’s deliberate choice to disobey describes not only the consequence of Man’s Fall, but following very closely the very process of reconciliation. One of such process was the Call of Israel as God’s Covenant people with clear directives. Their call as God’s Nation (God’s People) was primarily to model to the other nations the blessedness of following Yahweh. This witnessing came as a result of how they lived within as a community and as well a deliberate sharing to others to reconcile them back to Him..
Thus as model nation God’s purpose was to reconcile all the nations to himself through Israel. “I'm setting you up as a light for the nations so that my salvation becomes global!" (Isa 49:6 MSG), “the call is to bring and establish justice to the nations as a covenant for the people and as a light for the Gentiles”[2]. Israel in God’s sight failed to live to his expectation. More than just the failure as a nation to be light for the nations, they also started to live as their neighbours lived and the story is disgraceful. Yet Israel’s story is also of a faithful remnant and the hope does not die down. In God’s appointed time His Mission is fulfilled in the inauguration of the Kingdom of God, by none less than God himself in Christ Jesus. Kingdom of God is to fulfill to the nations what Israel as God’s nation failed. It’s not the failure of God per-se, rather His purpose deferred by the very people who made a covenant as His own. God’s purposes are never defeated (Mat 16:18 MSG).
Jesus Christ on inaugurating the Kingdom of God makes it very clear that
the only way in which we can become its citizens is through repentance; “The people that sat in darkness Saw a great light, and to them that sat in the region and shadow of death, To them did light spring up. From that time began Jesus to preach, and to say, Repent ye; for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Mat 4:16-17 MSG). Those who have realised their failure to live up to Gods standards also realise that they stand condemned. Therefore the Kingdom Message of repentance is Good news. Often we tend to look at repentance of sins as those that are very personal. Old Testament will throw light here that we have failed as a community in areas that have wider ramification. Gods concern for the nations was to be expressed in terms of Justice and Mercy. The Oppressed and the Weak were to be shown kindness. The Alien were to be protected. OT speaks of these sins, both of commission as well omission. So much so, we stand mistaken if we see Kingdom of God as a personal Destination. We are called as a community as much as we are members of One Body! Our primary responsibility as Kingdom People is to live & share the message of the Kingdom among all nations. Living the Kingdom is based on the value system of the kingdom.
So, no sooner did Jesus preach the good news of the Kingdom he calls his potential disciples to also teach the Values (righteousness) of the Kingdom. (Mathew 5-7). Jesus going to the mount to teach draws a “parallel between Moses who received the Law at Mount Sinai and himself who explained its implications to his disciples on the so called ‘Mount of the Beatitudes’ ”.[3] The Build up therefore is very fascinating. There is no bifurcation between Repentance and Righteousness, for our repentance opens the door to righteous living. In teaching the disciples on the mount the Lord makes it very clear that the righteousness of the Kingdom far exceeds that of the Pharisees and teachers of the law. “Pharisees were content with an external and formal obedience of the law...but the righteousness which is pleasing to the Lord is an inward righteousness of mind and motive.”[4] Therefore in all his teachings on the mount, there is a deliberate effort to deconstruct back to the Truths (Law) as given to Moses. Over a period of time the truths got embedded over layers of tradition and practice and the nation felt comfortable with it. Why did the Lord do this; the thrust is very much on us as his followers to live and participate in His Kingdom where righteousness becomes the buzz word.
Jesus introduces the Christian Value System (Ethical standards, Religious devotion, Attitude to Money, Ambition, Life Style and a Network of relationships) with a surpassing newer understanding. For us as Kingdom People the Kingdom Values will definitely stand out as against the world values. No wonder Peter in his epistle mentions that those days people who looked at Christians considered it ‘strange’ that they did not plunge themselves in the same flood of dissipation as they did.(I Pet 4:4).Yet rather than be transformed to His will, we struggle in the pull to be confirmed to the mould the world sets for us. It is only as we are strengthened by His Sprit living in us, we take a conscious effort to participate in the Kingdom. At times we have gone to develop theologies for our own conveniences. The challenge is to look beyond our comfort zones and immediate surroundings to seriously consider God’s call for His Kingdom and therefore His Mission. The Blessedness that is repeated (Mt5:1-8) is not the incentive to desire for these qualities. On the other hand Blessedness is “what God thinks of them and what on that account they are: they are blessed”[5]. As against Christians thronging for blessings, wish we could understand the blessing of being counted ‘Blessed’ by God.
Kingdom People with Kingdom Values find their relevance not in a another world. We are called to live here, as Israel as a nation was called, to be light for the nations. No wonder the Kingdom is inaugurated in this world and at this juncture, its right here and now. We do yearn for the future but as reminded “All during this time, the good news--the Message of the kingdom--will be preached all over the world, a witness staked out in every country. And then the end will come” (Mat 24:14 MSG). How do we witness?... very soon we get into those pattern of sharing a message prepared for others. Little do we realise that our very identity as Kingdom People is what testifies to the Nations. That’s why Lord sets out in the very teaching that we testify to the world as Salt and Light. J.B Philips gives a better perspective of these verses in ‘The MESSAGE’; "Let me tell you why you are here. You're here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavours of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You've lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage. Here's another way to put it: You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colours in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We're going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don't think I'm going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I'm putting you on a light stand. Now that I've put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand--shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven”.( Mt5:13-16). Yes our lives open up for others and as salt we permeate and as Light shine out. So there is no loosing one at the cost of the other.
Israel was given Laws and these laws were not just pertaining to worship or religious order. There’s a wide gamut; the Law pertains to their Judicial/ Political system, ethical standards, family structure, morality, the use of Land (Economics), treating the oppressed the weak, the suffering and regarding the alien living among them. It’s very clearly wholistic. Even so the Kingdom of God (Gods Reign) includes all these. We are therefore not to extend a Ghetto Kingdom! Yet many a times either as local churches, student fellowships or prayer groups we tend to keep away from the society rather than become Salt & Light. What a faulty understanding of our calling. We are in fact to mirror to our society Gods Love and Holiness. So be it the Judicial system, economic, political or social segment’s, we need to permeate as salt to preserve it against the rampant corruption. As Light we need to shine out so that Truth will be revealed in Darkness! And on a pro-active response we also are called to flavour as well add colours to life.
Reflecting on our general response to issues of the society, Bonnie Miriam Jacob in the recently released book “Should I Care?” writes: “Prayers of intercession (are) made for political leaders and those in government... that there would be no hindrance to the preaching of the Gospel. This prayer is often reflective of the general approach that Christians have towards politics and the political leaders of the country....should that be the level of our concern and involvement with politics?”[6] she asks! She goes on to encourage Christians to engage in such a way we have a say in policy making as well raising our voice against policies or laws that are unjust or unethical. As I write these lines down the NEWS flashes that Doctors in South India go on Strike because they are forced to serve in rural areas before they are awarded the degrees. Some of them interviewed say they are willing to do so after their ‘super specialisation’. But it’s apathetic; neither Jr.Doctors nor the least Super specialist are found to serve the marginalised. So how does our Kingdom Value System lead us to see the oppressed people? How would we respond to such situations. The field is as wide ever. Gods Reign is to be seen is all these sectors. Here is the witness of one of IFES Graduate “I am a tentmaker. I am paid by international development agencies to advise governments on reforming the power sector so that supplying electricity becomes a commercially viable operation which brings in revenue rather than draining government finances. In many countries, government subsidies to cover the cost of producing and delivering electricity divert meagre resources to the extent that there is little left for education, sanitation, health or other social programs. Working for the development agencies gives me access to senior policymakers and the opportunity to advise them on institutional reform based on holistic and good governance principles.”[7]We have been placed to be people with Kingdom Influence. Have we ever realised this?
If many of our University Student Fellowships there is a tendency to brush away from engaging/reflecting on these deeper issues of the Society. As a University movement we have sometimes failed to teach on a God Who Cares. A God who cares for the poor and the oppressed. A God who cries over the racial prejudices. A God who weeps over our indifference to Justice and Mercy.
In making Disciples of all nations, the work of the evangelist is in no way out of our focus. It is also part of the Great Commission and as the Lord Says “You say, don't you, 'In four more months the harvest will be here?' Look, I tell you, open your eyes and observe that the fields are ready for harvesting! (Jn4:35 ISV).The rule of God in the hearts of the people in a country like ours seems to be impossible for many. Largely responsible for this is because we have little engaged in the lives of people around. We have, as mentioned earlier considered that preaching the Gospel alone was our mandate. Added to this we also have taken little steps to move out of our comfort zones to places that have yet heard the Gospel. Many still stay back in their places of birth for a specific call to also move out. Paul had a different ambition; My one ambition is to proclaim the gospel where the name of Christ is not known, lest I build on someone else's foundation. (Rom 15:20 ISV) but for some like him it comes from a logical consideration when they see places where His name is not known. No one waits to move when they see an engulfing fire, yet when it comes to see ‘HIS Kingdom Come’ excuses keep us waiting.
Let us pray that the decades ahead of us will be different. Let our indifference to the society and God’s wholesome mandate be a thing of the past.
Yes Lord, we pray that your Kingdom come. We pray that you will open our eyes to see your world as you see. To care as you would and to establish Justice and Mercy as you desire. Amen.
-Sathish Joseph Simon
Staff worker ,UESI, Haryana
[1] George Eldon Ladd, The Gospel of the kingdom (Wm.B.Eerdmans Publishing Company 1959.)
[2] Walter C. Kaiser, Jr, Mission in the Old Testament: Israel as a Light to the Nations.(Grand Rapids: Baker, 2000)
[3] John Stott, Essential Living(Inter Varsity Press, 1978) pg 20.
[4] ibid, pg 75.
[5] ibid, pg 33.
[6] Cherian Thomas (Editor), Should I care? (ISPCK, New Delhi 2007)pg106-107
[7] Willy Kotiuga , In the Article “A Different Form of Mission with Slums: Reflections of a Change Agent in Bhopal, India”
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