Leadership By Consensus Gone are the days be it in a secular field or even in the liberal autocratic set up, leadership is on A person based. These are the days when we move together and where the leader knows which direction his team has to take. Yet he does not make a deliberate step to direct but by consensus and keeping the vision each and every person is shared into this vision and automatically the direction follows. Such a leadership is indeed a skill but also where the Leader does not any more fit into the irrelevant term called BOSS. Speaking to a friend recently this thought clicked like a spark into me.He shared how being entrusted to take the responsibility as a Principal he took the school team (Parent, Teacher & Students) into confidence and led them by consensus. The board of the school became anxious- cause the ways the other schools were run were by the rod! My Friend a Committed Christian was living the Christian Principle of Leadership...............................
Where the Lord Reigns be it in peoples heart or where His Justice prevails, Where environment does not grieve and where forgivness heals ~ His Kingdom Comes