I just walked into one of that old Nationalised bank after a long time, perhaps with lot of apprehensions. Will I get the transactions get done in time. I prepared myself for the worst and pulled in enough air to my lungs so that i wouldn’t suffocate inside that old dilapidated building. But lo and behold the inside corridor’s of this 200+ year old bank even in a little city of mine worked wonders. I realised very soon that there was lot of smiles and ample room to skid this beautifully floored miracle.Updated in work and modernised to suit the need! Change We can. By the way some older banks have not just updated their inside but also have changed even from the outside. Changes to be relevant even to a post modern gen to bank with a “nationalised” bank. Some have changed their logo as well-a radical step indeed- and yet moved ahead successfully. So how’s that with us-UESI. Especially when we work with the post-modern Gen- shouldnt that be an Auto-updating? ...
Where the Lord Reigns be it in peoples heart or where His Justice prevails, Where environment does not grieve and where forgivness heals ~ His Kingdom Comes